Spanish Bay
Don Gaspar de Portola, the Spanish explorer, and his crew camped here in 1769 while searching for Monterey Bay. A scenic picnic stop, this is also a pleasant location for a stroll around the shoreline.
Restless Sea
From this vista point, take note of the unique offshore turbulence generated by the submerged terrain off Point Joe
這一路全是用手機拍攝,美麗的海岸線,加上天氣好的不得了,怎麼拍怎麼好看!尤其 panorama 的功能還可以捕捉全景。
Bird Rock
This Stately landmark is home to countless shorebirds and groups of harbor seals and sea lions.
海邊放了一排的望遠鏡,只要 $ 0.5 可以看清楚 Rird Rock 上的海獅和海豹。我試著用手機的鏡頭對著望遠鏡來拍照,但是太可惜,很難拍,拍出來的效果不好,所以就不放上來了。但是底下的影片裡面可以看到望遠鏡內的海獅和海豹。
遙望 Bird Rock
Fanshell OverLook
The pure white sand of the beach below is irresistible to harbor seals, who each spring return to bear their young. Closed during the harbor seal pupping season, April 1 to June 1.
Sypress Point Lookout
For more than 100 years, this point has been a preferred view of the dramatic Pacific Coastline. Closed April to June 1.
The Lone Cypress
As one of California's most enduring landmarks, The Lone Cypress has prevailed on it's rocky perch for more than 250 years. This icon is the living symbol of Pebble Beach Company.
著名的地標 "The Lone Cypress"
The Ghost Tree
With a trunk bleached white from wind, this unique Monterey cypress has a sinister silhouette.
Pescadero Point
This location features views of Carmel Bay and Stillwater Cove.
The Lodge At Pebble Beach
Built in 1919, The lodge is the heart of Pebble Beach and home to world-famous Pebble Beach Golf Links. Open to the public, it offers a variety of dining and shopping options.
看了一下這裡幾家餐廳的價錢,並不如想像中那麼貴。但是我們在 Carmel By The Sea 已經有 Dinner Plan 了
Cozy 的角落
幸福的 17哩路,點點滴滴都是美好的回憶^^