
溫哥華機場就是這麼貼心,在國際離境區就有這麼一個讓你完全放鬆,閉目養神的地區。CJ 建議你到登機門 D67附近的『靜幽區』放鬆心情一下。請遵守安靜的規則,不要吵到別人唷! 

YVR Quiet Area


Shhhhhhhhhhhhh. You hear that? It's the sound of relaxation in the YVR Quiet Area.

YVR's new Quiet Area is a designated space for relaxation and meditation for travelers looking for a place to take it easy before taking off on that long flight. The area is equipped with super comfortable seating, a stretching mat, low-volume speakers and soft lighting. Signage encourages others to refrain from creating noise. 

Next time you are flying out internationally from YVR, take a load off at our newest airport feature that will have you feeling rejuvenated before boarding.

Location: International Terminal, After Security – Gate D67


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