今天去超市買點水果,看到 Blood Orange (血柳橙),心想真是誇張,怎麼用 "Blood" 這個字眼。就說是 "Red" 不就好了。外表不就比一般的柳橙紅了點,有點橘紅色,還滿特別的。


不知道在台灣有沒有,我想如果此時有人引進,一定會有很多噱頭,找醫師,營養師站台,記者也會搖身變成專家,說血柳橙,含有紅什麼素,豐富維他命 C,有減肥,瘦身.....健康... 某種治療功效。各台爭相報導,然後價錢大漲。台灣媒體誇張的程度,都可以先讓我這個平凡的人當個預言大師了,哈哈!


Blood orange
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The blood orange is a variety of orange (Citrus sinensis) with crimson, blood-colored flesh. The fruit ranges from small- to medium-sized; its skin can be pitted or smooth. Blood oranges owe their distinctive appearance to a pigment called anthocyanin not typically found in citrus, but common in other red fruits and flowers. Not only is the inside of the orange darkly pigmented, but depending on the variety, the outside may feature dark washes of red. The exact reasons for the unusual inside color are unknown. However, it seems light, temperature and variety are important contributors.


There are three types of blood oranges, the Tarocco (native to Italy), the Sanguinello (native to Spain), and the Moro, which is the newest of the three and is grown in San Diego, California. (三種不同的血柳橙)

  1. The Tarocco is a medium-sized fruit and is perhaps the sweetest and most flavorful of the three types. However, its internal reddish color is unreliable.
  2. The Sanguinello, discovered in Spain in 1929, has a reddish skin, few seeds, and a sweet and tender flesh.
  3. The Moro, a recent introduction into the blood orange family, is the most colorful of the three types, with a deep purple flesh and reddish orange rind. This fruit has a sweet flavor with a hint of raspberry.

Blood oranges cultivated in the United States are in season from December to March (Texas), and from November to May (California).

Blood oranges are still most abundant in Italy and Spain. They have become more popular in the U.S. and they are being grown in California and Texas.



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